For those seeking a lush, green lawn without having to manage multiple businesses, boy do we have a treat for you! We happen to be lawn-care-nuts with a desire to help others achieve a lawn-care-nut lawn without all the lawn-care-nut time and labor! With our premium, tiered lawn care services, we have the following plans:

DIY Didn't I Do This Sooner

  • Mowing and edging of grass

  • Bag clippings

  • Once weekly mowing (twice weekly preferred)

  • Weed prevention

  • Weed killing (including spot-pulling specific weeds)

  • Pest and fungus control (lawn/grass only)

  • Routine fertilization (4-6 week routine)

  • Spring irrigation audit

  • Tree canopy assessment

Yard of the Month

All of DIY program, plus the following:

  • Initial soil test for nutrient-specific application

  • Spring thatch removal service

  • Biannual irrigation audit

  • Annual tree trimming service

The Sodfather

All of DIY and YotM program, plus the following:

  • Yearly soil test every Spring

  • Yearly lawn leveling and/or topsoil service

  • Summer tree pruning service (where applicable)

  • Yearly aeration


  • Flower bed mulching

  • Flower bed gravel

  • Flower bed planting

  • Pet waste removal

*Exclusions apply. Please contact for details and pricing. Pricing dependent on lot size and landscape. Some services not applicable or recommended based on specific breed of grass. Some services are an additional charge above monthly subscription.